There are many different perspectives about the word translated into the English language as "holy" or "saint", the two words as they are found in the Hebrew and Greek, both have their roots in each language form a root understanding. In Hebrew the word for holy is "qodesh" (6944) and saint is "qodysh" (H6918); the root of these two word is "qodash" (H6942), which is the same as "qodesh" and is defined as follows,
Strong's H6944, qodesh: apartness, holiness, sacredness, separateness
The Greek, which by many would be considered completely pagan, also finds its definitions of the words in the same way. Lets stay away from the pagan or not pagan ideas right now so that we might see what our FATHER wants us to take from Him in this matter. After all His definition in our understanding is the only one we need to hold on to. The Greek word "hagios" (G40), is used for both holy and saint, and has the following definition,
Strong's G40, hagios: most holy thing, a saint
It is odd that in our modern definitions of holy and saint that a disconnect has taken place between the two words; holy is thought of in much the same way as the Hebrew and Greek but look at the definition as saint, it has been changed to a completely different idea.
Merriam-Webster, holy: exalted or worthy of complete devotion as one perfect in goodness and righteousness
Merriam-Webster, saint: 1: one officially recognized especially through canonization as preeminent for holiness
2 a : one of the spirits of the departed in heaven; b : angel 1a
3 a : one of God's chosen and usually Christian people; b capitalized : a member of any of various Christian bodies;
So how should we, who are Called into His NAME and Washed by His WORD, define this important comprehension of these words? The trouble I have ran into is that I am not smart enough to understand all those fancy words like, sanctified, set-part, most holy thing, exalted,or even sacredness. I just didn't get the whole picture... what was our FATHER trying to tell me in all this?
I knew I was supposed to "be Qodash as He is Qodash," (Wayyiqra/Lev. 11:44 and Kepha 1/1 Peter 1:16) and that I should even pray that "His NAME be Qodash" (MattithYAHU/Matt. 6:9) but those things are hard to complete when one has such a vague idea of what the words means.
A greater depth of understanding began to be shown to me by a short video giving instructions on how to make Tzitzits. The author stated that he had a "dedicated" spoon that was only used in the making of His Tzitzits. That word I understood,
Merriam-Wester, dedicated: 1: devoted to a cause, ideal, or purpose : zealous
2: given over to a particular purpose
I even have many dedicated things in my own house. A coffeepot is a dedicated thing; one only uses it to make coffee. My shoes are dedicated; I only put them on my feet; My toothbrush is dedicated, I don't use to wash my dishes or scrub my floors, in fact if it was used for one of those things I would then consider it defiled and not use it to brush my teeth any more all. So what is it that our FATHER is dedicated to? If we know what He is dedicated to, then we will know what His NAME and what we should be dedicated to also.
The answer to this question, for me at least, is much easier to find than the first. Our FATHER is dedicated to being all that we need. His desire is to be our Salvation and to restore us to Himself in Righteousness. His NAME is dedicated to this purpose also, by extension those that are Called by that NAME must be dedicated to that purpose too. From the beginning our FATHER has declared what His purpose is for man, as it is written, "Let us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness,..." that plan has never changed, and everything that our FATHER has done is for the purpose of bringing those words to their fulfillment.
You and I are Called to proclaim our FATHER's teaching of peace to all the lost sheep of Yashra'Al; we are to be His expression in Mashiy'ach.
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