Friday, March 29, 2013

-Ru'ach of Truth-

        Yahanan(John) 16: 13 "But when the Ru'ach(Spirit) of the truth is come, He will guide you into all truth: for shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever He shall hear, shall He speak, and will announce to you what is to come. He shall esteem Me, for He shall take what is Mine and announce it to you."

       The Ru'ach of Truth that is given to all that ask the FATHER never speaks of self. That Ru'ach only relays what was given by the FATHER to the SON. This is our connection with the FATHER and has one very important characteristic that is mostly ignored. 

       Selflessness... the Ru'ach from the FATHER never articulates for self but instead is only active on behalf of the FATHER and SON. So with those words proclaimed lets go on to the meat of the importance of this awareness. If we are in reality "filled" with the Ru'ach of Truth then there should be an overflowing incarnation of the nature of that Ru'ach. How can anyone confess that they have been "filled" with any ru'ach unless they have taken on the nature of the ru'ach they claim to be filled with?

       When a man is possessed by an unclean or wicked spirit, doesn't he take on the aspects of that spirit? 

       If the Ru'ach of Truth speaks only of the FATHER and SON, then how is it that so many times we who claim to be "filled" with that same Ru'ach do not show the same traits as the Ru'ach declares? Shouldn't we begin to be conformed to the personality of who we are filled by? 

       The hard truth of this matter is that it is impossible to be filled with the Ru'ach of Truth from the FATHER and still be proclaiming your own life and all the empty vanities that "fill" the thoughts and hearts of so many.

       The Ru'ach of Truth is Selfless; you won't find that Ru'ach talking about the world or trying to fulfill the passions of this temporary life. The Ru'ach of Truth is Qodash, Dedicated to only speak and witness to the things that belong to the SON and Come from the FATHER.

      So are you "filled" with the Ru'ach of Truth that is Qodash from the FATHER... or is it another spirit?



Thursday, March 21, 2013

-YAH the Beginning of Life-

       Before there was anything, there was YAH. He is the Eternal FATHER. No one can know Him, it is He that calculated and comprehended all things in Himself. He formed everything that is, inside Himself before the world began.

        The instant that the FATHER began to bring forth creation He did so by His SON. The SON is the complete expression of the FATHER. By Him all things are, and He is the beginning of the creation of Alahym or Elohim. It is only by the SON that we know the FATHER for the expression of the FATHER is the SON. He that has the FATHER and the SON has the Ru'ach  or Ru'ah or simply Spirit. To be in the SON is to have the Ru'ah of Truth and to be in the SON is to become the expression of our FATHER. 

        There is much confusion over what the NAME is and many are in strife over carnal things like how to spell a word. These things are to be avoided and the arguments of those men should not be entered into by one Dedicated to our FATHER. They are carnal and cannot profit us. The horrible thing is that the NAME is calling us into ONENESS or UNITY in His Ru'ach, but they wrestle against His SPIRIT with their carnal minds. 

        So with that in mind let us get to the NAME above all names. In the Turah and the prophets, which if we would believe them we would believe Him, it is written over 6,000 time that He has a Name, and that in that NAME only is Salvation and that whosoever calls upon that NAME shall be saved. As it is written in Hoshea 13:4,

“But I AM YHUH your Alahym or Elohym since the land of Mitsrayim/Egypt, and an Alahym or Elohym besides Me you shall not know, for there is no Saviour besides Me.”

       And again in YeshaYAHU/Isaiah 43:11

I, I AM YHUH, and besides Me there is no Saviour.

And also as the witness speaks “she shall bring forth her first born son and call His name Ammanu’Al or Immanu’El. “ The name means Al or El with us. So the testimony declares that there is only ONE Al or El and no other.

“You are My witnesses, declares YHUH, And My servant whom I have chosen, so that you know and believe Me, and understand that I AM He. Before me there was no Al or El formed, nor after Me there is none.” YeshaYAHU/Isaiah 43:10

Ammau’Al is Al or El with us… and His NAME is YHUH then why would we not trust the witness given to us?

YeshaYAHU/Isaiah 42:8 “I AM YHUH, that is My NAME, and My esteem I do not give to another, nor praise to idols.”

To keep this kind of short,



The SON is the complete and only expression of the FATHER. In YHUH ha'Mashiah is the manifestation and revealing of all that the FATHER is. It is the SON that shows the FATHER, and the FATHER draws all to the SON. By the SON the FATHER is known, even as it has been recorded, "If you have seen me, you have seen the FATHER."

We are to enter into this expression by the WAY He has provided for us through the SON’s manifestation into the flesh for us. As the WORD became flesh among us, so we should enter into His likeness and become the same expression of the FATHER by Him.

Sunday, March 17, 2013


       For the first time in my life I believe that I am being shown at least a little of what the statement that Meshiah spoke concerning cleansing one's self. The words He spoke were these,

       "Woe to you, scribes and pharisees, hypocrites! Because you clean the outside of the cup and dish, but the inside they are filled with plunder and unrighteousness. Blind Pharisee, first clean the inside of the cup and dish, so that the outside of them becomes clean also." MattithYAHU/Matthew 23:25-26

       Many make all their judgements based on what can be seen on the outside of the cup and dish; the problem with this type of judgement is that there are two conditions that look exactly the same on the outside but are completely different when viewed with the Ru'ach that sees all things, even the hidden things of the heart. According to the examination of Meshiah the scribes and pharisees spent their time and effort cleaning the outside of the vessels but were only pretenders or hypocrites because they weren't truly clean on the inside. His teaching of cleaning the inside of the vessels runs in opposition to the thoughts and notions of men that will always assume that if the outside looks clean, the inside is clean also.

Merriam-Webster hypocrite: 1: a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion
2: a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings 
Strong's G5273 Hypocrite: 1) one who answers, an interpreter 2) an actor, stage player 3) a dissembler, pretender, hypocrite

       To be a hypocrite means that one is an actor or pretender, they look like one thing but in reality they are something else all together. Meshiah however, delivered to us another and better way to think, declaring that if we would make clean the inside that the outside would follow in a natural course. The sins of the flesh then are a direct result of the deeper sins that plague the heart.

       A mystery is given in Mishley/Proverbs 30:24-27 of four little creatures on the earth. Because their hearts understand naturally the path they should walk, they fulfill the Torah YHUH has given them without leader, king, or written command.They are marvelous examples of how a heart cleansed on the inside will allow the outside to complete the instructions of YHUH as a matter of instinct.

       From the time I was 15 I was captured by the sin and bondage of tobacco, as Meshiah uncovered some of these things to me, that sin of over 30 years was removed without me ever truly knowing how. Once the inside was cleansed the outside just followed. During this same time our FATHER would receive even a greater honor as His Ru'ach cleansed out the idolatry in my life as these whoredoms of idolatry were dissolved, the unclean sexual sins in my life also dropped away without any credit to me at all. In both cases these sins had torment me for over the last 30 years.

HalleluYAH! Let YHUH reveal His Salvation to all the poor and needy!

       All the outward sins that men struggle with are the result of deeper inward sins that remain hidden from the natural eyes of the flesh. Hypocrites pretend  to be clean in order to gain an advantage in this world but have hearts stained with lawlessness. Both hypocrites and those that allow the Ru'ach of Truth to make them truly clean look much alike, one has cleansed the outside in order to look pure, the other has put on true humility in order to be actually pure.

       Every fleshly sin has a spiritual counterpart that is the source of its strength in a person's life. If the power supply is removed, the fleshly sin will fall away without a struggle. A few examples are these,

Inward                                       Outward
idolatry                           =      adultery in the flesh

 This sin is played out EVERYWHERE in the western world, not only in the unbridled switching of sexual partners but also by the image of the WHORE seen on every television, computer, and magazine cover.

hating one's brother        =      murder in the flesh

The murder rate in the U.S. has been increasing for years. today senseless murders are played out in cities everywhere almost hourly. Movies and television are filled to overflowing with murders that enter into the watchers and defile them by the agreement and unity with the images. 

rebellion                         =      witchcraft in the flesh

Rebellion is open rejection of YHUH's WORD and its fleshly counterpart is witchcraft. Today witchcraft is one of the fastest growing activities among the young population in the U.S. Acts of witchcraft are commonly depicted on Television and movies almost every hour of the day.
defiling the rest (shabbath) = laboring for things of no true value (See YeshaYAHU/Isa. 55:2)

To defile the shabbath is to cease from trusting YHUH which then leads to embarking on one's own labor.

       These are only four of many but maybe they will begin to make us seek our FATHER for relief from these sins. Keep in mind that every sin in the flesh can, and most likely does, have more than one source that feeds its desire. For example idolatry is the act of coveting another mighty-one other than YHUH, this can be many things from outright idol worship to putting one's job, family, or anything else in a place designed for our FATHER. The way this expresses itself in the flesh can take many forms; they can be in thought only or actually played out in the flesh. Either way the sin is the same.
Many of us have wasted too much time being hypocrites...
Clean the inside and the outside will become clean also!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

-Be Qodash as I am Qodash - Be Holy as I am Holy-

       There are many different perspectives about the word translated into the English language as "holy" or "saint", the two words as they are found in the Hebrew and Greek, both have their roots in each language form a root understanding. In Hebrew the word for holy is "qodesh" (6944) and saint is "qodysh" (H6918); the root of these two word is "qodash" (H6942), which is the same as "qodesh" and is defined as follows,

Strong's H6944, qodesh: apartness, holiness, sacredness, separateness

      The Greek, which by many would be considered completely pagan, also finds its definitions of the words in the same way. Lets stay away from the pagan or not pagan ideas right now so that we might see what our FATHER wants us to take from Him in this matter. After all His definition in our understanding is the only one we need to hold on to. The Greek word "hagios" (G40), is used for both holy and saint, and has the following definition,

Strong's G40, hagios: most holy thing, a saint

        It is odd that in our modern definitions of holy and saint that a disconnect has taken place between the two words; holy is thought of in much the same way as the Hebrew and Greek but look at the definition as saint, it has been changed to a completely different idea.

Merriam-Webster, holy: exalted or worthy of complete devotion as one perfect in goodness and righteousness 
Merriam-Webster, saint: 1: one officially recognized especially through canonization as preeminent for holiness
2 a : one of the spirits of the departed in heaven; b : angel 1a
3 a : one of God's chosen and usually Christian people; b capitalized : a member of any of various Christian bodies;

        So how should we, who are Called into His NAME and Washed by His WORD, define this important comprehension of these words?  The trouble I have ran into is that I am not smart enough to understand all those fancy words like, sanctified, set-part, most holy thing, exalted,or even sacredness. I just didn't get the whole picture... what was our FATHER trying to tell me in all this?

       I knew I was supposed to "be Qodash as He is Qodash," (Wayyiqra/Lev. 11:44 and Kepha 1/1 Peter 1:16) and that I should even pray that "His NAME be Qodash" (MattithYAHU/Matt. 6:9) but those things are hard to complete when one has such a vague idea of what the words means. 

       A greater depth of understanding began to be shown to me by a short video giving instructions on how to make Tzitzits. The author stated that he had a "dedicated" spoon that was only used in the making of His Tzitzits. That word I understood, 
Merriam-Wester, dedicated: 1: devoted to a cause, ideal, or purpose : zealous 
2: given over to a particular purpose 

       I even have many dedicated things in my own house. A coffeepot is a dedicated thing; one only uses it to make coffee. My shoes are dedicated; I only put them on my feet; My toothbrush is dedicated, I don't use to wash my dishes or scrub my floors, in fact if it was used for one of those things I would then consider it defiled and not use it to brush my teeth any more all. So what is it that our FATHER is dedicated to? If we know what He is dedicated to, then we will know what His NAME and what we should be dedicated to also.

       The answer to this question, for me at least, is much easier to find than the first. Our FATHER is dedicated to being all that we need. His desire is to be our Salvation and to restore us to Himself in Righteousness. His NAME is dedicated to this purpose also, by extension those that are Called by that NAME must be dedicated to that purpose too. From the beginning our FATHER has declared what His purpose is for man, as it is written, "Let us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness,..." that plan has never changed, and everything that our FATHER has done is for the purpose of bringing those words to their fulfillment.  

You and I are Called to proclaim our FATHER's teaching of peace to all the lost sheep of Yashra'Al; we are to be His expression in Mashiy'ach.

Friday, March 15, 2013


       Welcome to the first post of this blog!
I'm happy to be able to share with you my excitement and love for our FATHER in Shamaym(Heaven).

Our purpose in all things is to please our FATHER in Shamaym (Heaven). To be in unity with Him in the FIRST-BORN is the only position that will ever satisfy the longs that wash over the being of all. Even with blinded eyes and deaf ears the lack of a connection with the Creator is still understood by those who have not yet heard the call of the Good-Shepherd.

*If your computer doesn't have the Evyoni Palaeo font you may not be able to read the Name written in the Barakah. The font I have used is Paleo Hebrew*

You can download font here: 

Download the file and then unzip the contents; then copy and paste the file into your computer's fonts folder. the fonts folder can be found in the control panel and should be titled "Fonts".

If you don't have the font installed on your computer the NAME will appear as jwjy.

jwjy barak you and guard you;

jwjy make His face to shine upon you, and show favour to you;

jwjy lift up His face upon, and give you peace.

Thus they shall put My NAME on the children of Yashra'Al, and I Myself shall barak them.