The tent of YHUH is not made with the hands of men. The Most-high has made for Himself a dwelling place, as He has said, “Let us make man in Our image and Our likeness.” YHUH breathed His own Ruack (Breath) into man, signifying that man truly was not created to do his own will but the will of His Father and Creator. YHUH Mashyck (Messiah) came and demonstrated what the purpose and authority of man’s life should look like. It is the complete representation of the Father’s will on this earth; showing forth the Loving-Kindness and authority of YH the Father.
There has been a lot of debate on the place that the Son takes with the Father but these arguments are spoken without knowledge from the Ruack of Truth. In truth the Son does not proclaim Himself but only proclaims His Father. He has no self-existence outside of YH His Father. The Father also has never done anything without His expression being carried out by the Son.
The idea of self that we have is a counterfeit, it comes from the flesh that has taken on a life of its own. This false life was conceived and born when Adam’s self-knowledge of good and evil replaced the truth given to him by YH YHUH.
If you will bring to your memory that YHUH did not tell the man and woman they were naked, nor did He declare to them that it was wrong. They both walked naked and were not ashamed. So where did that knowledge come from? It was born inside the man and his wife, it replaced the innocent peace they walked in before eating of the fruit of the tree. Self-knowledge is an enemy to the plan that YHUH has for your life. After eating of the tree they hid themselves away from their Creator, fear now taking control of the confused mind. Think just for a moment of the first question YHUH posed to the man after they ate of the tree.
“Who told you that you were naked?”
Can you answer that question? Many would quickly say it was the serpent but that would not be true. He only sparked the idea to eat of the tree, not what to think about being naked. The woman first ate of the fruits of the flesh, believing what she saw and then gave the same to her husband who was with her.
It reads like this, “And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.”
So they looked at the tree and made their conclusion based on what they saw. This was in stark contrast to what YHUH said about that same tree.
The view YHUH gave of that tree for the man and woman was this, “But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat of it: for in the day that you eat thereof you shall surely die.”
His Word Vs. the witness of the flesh.
Self-witness Vs. His witness.
The mystery here is great but to sum it up shortly, your self-existence is a lie. It is death to have your own understanding of the creation of YHUH. Only by denying yourself as Mashyck (Messiah) gave us example can we walk in true life. The flesh was never supposed to have its own life. This is what it means when we are commanded not to drink the blood, for the life of the flesh is in the blood. The flesh was made from the dust of the earth and had no life until the Ruack of YHUH was breathed into it.
YHUH Mashyck (Messiah) poured out His blood as an example to show to us that the life is not in the flesh but in the Ruack. He lives without the flesh having any dominion at all.
Are you ready to live a life without yourself? If you are then you are ready to follow YHUH Mashyck (Messiah) to fulfill the will of your Father in Shamym.
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