Many in this age have mingled themselves among the inhabitants of the land; they give lip service to YHUH but their works show nothing of the fruit produced by His Ruach/Spirit. Babel or its counterpart Babylon is defined as confusion by mixing or mingling. This mixing takes occurs when the knowledge of YHUH diluted with the anti-knowlodge imparted by the world or when, as it is today, His knowledge is replaced all together with the counterfeit offered in so many different forms today.
So how is it that a people that should be leaving the friendship of this world, and the confusion of a life without YHUH behind, fight so hard to keep their place among the nations that do not know the Almighty? They seem to intoxicated by the cup found in the hand of the harlot. (YashaYAHU 51:7, Rev. 17:4 and 18:6) It is this drunkenness that distorts a proper perception of YHUH's creation and one's purpose in it. After many years now of warning those around me to sober up, without very little results, I’m unsure of what would actually have to take place in order to shake this people awake from this drunken stupor enough to see the writing on the wall.
The scriptures are plain about our place in this world, we are in this world but not of this world. Again, we are strangers and should confess that we have no continuing country. And again, I have called you a people that were not a people.
Those living in the U.S. should perceive that they living in a country that has clearly rejected the knowledge of the Almighty (Romans 1:28) and will not take the least bit of His correction (Hebrews 12:6,7), yet they still claim to be a part of it? The scriptures instruct us that if a city refuses to receive us that we are to shake the dust from our feet as a witness against that place. This certainly implies that one is not apart of the world system that they are living in.
Remember Dan'Al/Daniel and his companions? Did they not sojourn in the land of Babel and answer to the king of that place? Yet they were not apart of that place, nor did they forsake the country that YHUH had promised.
There is a lot that could be said about fleeing out of Babel but for now I would rather focus on who exactly is depicted as the mighty-ones of the United States of America.
First however, a note from YHUH,
Exodus 34:13-14 “Take heed to yourself, lest you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land where you go, lest it be for a snare in the midst of you: But you shall destroy their altars, break their images, and cut down their groves: For you shall worship no other mighty-one: for YHUH, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous Mighty-One:”
Exodus 20:3-6 “You shall have no other mighty-ones before my face. You shall not make unto you any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: You shall not bow down yourself to them, nor serve them: for I YHUH your Mighty-One am a jealous Mighty-One, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And showing loving-kindness unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.”
2 Corinthians 6:16-17 “And what agreement has the Temple of the Almighty with idols? For you are the Temple of the living Almighty; as the Almighty has said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their Alaheem, and they shall be my people. Therefore come out from among them, and be you separate, says YHUH, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and you shall be my sons and daughters, says YHUH the Almighty.”
So as a witness it should be made clear that when they say "In god we trust", they are not speaking of YHUH but of others. The following material is information on “The Apotheosis of Washington” which is painted on the ceiling of the rotunda of the US capitol building. Pay close attention to who and what they are honoring as the inspiration of all their works.
Note: the word “apo-theos-is” means to turn one into a mighty-one or to ascend to become a mighty-one. The root of “theos” is the same word in the Greek scriptures that is translated as god.
The Apotheosis of Washington
The Apotheosis of Washington in the eye of the Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol was painted in the true fresco technique by Constantino Brumidi in 1865. The Apotheosis of Washington, his most ambitious work at the Capitol Building, was painted in 11 months at the end of the Civil War, soon after the new dome was completed, for $40,000. The figures, up to 15 feet tall, were painted to be intelligible from close up as well as from 180 feet below. Some of the groups and figures were inspired by classical and Renaissance images, especially by those of the Italian master Raphael. In the central group of the fresco, Brumidi depicted George Washington rising to the heavens in glory, flanked by female figures representing Liberty and Victory/Fame. A rainbow arches at his feet, and thirteen maidens symbolizing the original states flank the three central figures. (The word "apotheosis" in the title means literally the raising of a person to the rank of a god, or the glorification of a person as an ideal; George Washington was honored as a national icon in the nineteenth century.) Six groups of figures line the perimeter of the canopy; the following list begins below the central group and proceeds clockwise:
Freedom, also known as Columbia, is directly below Washington in the personification of War. The scene depicts a woman fighting for liberty with a raised sword, a cape, and a helmet and shield (in the colors of the American flag) trampling figures representing Tyranny and Kingly Power. To Freedom's left assisting her is a fierce bald eagle (the bald eagle is the national bird of the United States) carrying arrows and a thunderbolt (reminiscent of the arrows carried by the eagle in the Great Seal of the United States).
Minerva, the Roman goddess of crafts and wisdom, is portrayed with helmet and spear pointing to an electrical generator creating power stored in batteries next to a printing press, representing great American inventions. American scientists and inventors Benjamin Franklin, Samuel F. B. Morse, and Robert Fulton watch. In the left part of the scene a teacher demonstrates the use of dividers.
This scene shows Neptune, the Roman sea-god, with trident and crown of seaweed riding in a shell chariot drawn by sea horses. Venus, goddess of love born from the sea, is depicted helping to lay the transatlantic telegraph cable which ran from America to the Telegraph Field in Ireland.[2] In the background is an ironclad warship with smokestacks.
Mercury, the Roman god of commerce, with his winged petasos and sandals and a caduceus, is depicted giving a bag of gold to American Revolutionary War financier Robert Morris. To the left, men move a box on a dolly; on the right, the anchor and sailors lead into "Marine."
Vulcan, the Roman god of fire and the forge, is depicted standing at an anvil with his foot on a cannon next to a pile of cannonballs. A steam engine is in the background. The man at the forge is thought to represent Charles Thomas, the supervisor of ironwork during the construction of the Capitol dome.
Ceres, the Roman goddess of agriculture, is shown with a wreath of wheat and a cornucopia, symbol of plenty, while sitting on a McCormick mechanical reaper. The personification of Young America in a liberty cap holds the reins of the horses, while the goddess Flora gathers flowers in the foreground.