Saturday, August 14, 2021

Vision of the Night 2011



1. The action of providing or being provided with amusement or enjoyment.
2. An event, performance, or activity designed to entertain others.

            In the visions of the night I went up to a high place, (A theater with a stage). A man went with me and two other men that were not as the man and I. Once I entered into the theater I was separated from the other three men. I didn’t want to be there but somehow I had to stay. As I found a seat I saw many people from my childhood and sat down among them. I was happy to see their faces. A woman sat down beside me and began to be very friendly; she suggested that we were close as in the way of men and women but it wasn’t true.
            The show began and all the people worshiped and praised the spectacle with excitement. I and the woman sat and didn’t join in the worship. The show finally stopped for a short sabbath (intermission) and I went out to the court (lobby). A woman talked with several men, they were all part of those who put on the show. The men said the show wasn’t that good and the woman replied that it was only “Molten Metal,” the opening act, and to wait for the real show to start. 
            When I went back inside I saw more people from my past, people from jobs and places that had all been part of my life. I was happy to see them and went to greet as many as I could. The second part of the show started and I realized that everyone around me had begun to do all manner of unclean things that should not even be spoken, men and women, men with men, and women with women. I ran out, knowing that I had to leave this high place and I saw that the man I came with and the woman that had been setting beside me had also came out.
             We went down and down, trying to leave the high place. I had to carry the woman for part of the way. Finally we reached what seemed like the end and saw some boys (they were boys that symbolized groups like the Jonas brothers) playing basketball. Then I realized that we weren’t yet off of the high place and needed to continue on. We moved into a place with slides (water-slides) and cable cars. I tried to go down the slides but each one only turned and began to go back up towards the high place. The entire place was like a giant maze that had no way out. Then I tried to grab the cable cars (there were no cars but only cable with very small handles) but the cable and handles were much too small to hang onto. 
A man appeared in the distance, he walked, almost gliding closer to me. He laughed a cold and hollow laugh that held anger instead of happiness. He reminded of a carnival barker, the ones that call out for the crowds to come and join the fun. He spoke, still laughing that same angry laugh and said, “If you can get out, you will know all you need to about this place.” I knew he spoke of people living their lives to be entertained.
Then I understood that I could step above the maze and walk on top of it. I stepped up and by belief began to run down from the high place on top of the maze. As I ran a path opened up before me and I grew more and more confident in YHUH. Unspeakable joy began to fill my heart.
The man was still laughing and saying, “Yes, Yes,” but he was angry, very angry. 
The way became harder with sharp iron rocks and bars poking up from the earth but my path still opened before me as I ran.  I ran down and as I drew near to the bottom of the high place my eyes were opened and I saw all the “images” (images from movies and all forms of entertainment) coming up from the earth. They all melted into empty nothingness and disappeared as I went by.
The man spoke again to someone behind me and said, “Now let’s see if you can do as well captain.” I looked and saw that the man who had been with me, and the woman, and others were trying to do what I had just done.
As I reached the bottom I cried, “ HalleluYah! HalleluYah!” with great joy.


Sunday, July 22, 2018

-The Way is YHUH-



    Like children crying in the darkness you hide your faces, afraid of something that isn't really there.

    The shadow of the valley of death overcomes those that believe the lie of the serpent.

    Darkness is the absence of the Father's will; this is death.

     You walk in the deceit of self; a lie born in the heart of Adam's wife.

     What is self?

     A fantasy of existence outside of unity with YAH; the life of the flesh, the beast that was and is not and yet will come up out of the Abyss and go to its destruction. 

     Whatever the flesh tells you, that is what you believe. You make His word void in your life.

    If you were Abraham's children you would do the works of Abraham. He that has ears to hear let him hear.

     Abraham believed YHUH. He did not trust in his flesh or the flesh of his wife but trusted in the promise that was spoken.
    Yashr'Al, you that call yourself by the name of Ya'aqab, do you not hear the works of Ya'aqab?
     Ya'aqab did not hate or pursue after his brother Ashu (Esau) but trusted in YHUH and rejoiced to see that his brother was pleased with him.

     The will of YHUH is truth; nothing outside of that reality will remain, for He alone is Salvation and He alone is Life.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

-Turn to Me-

            I speak but you will not hear. 
            I call but you will not answer.
            I instruct but you will not gain wisdom.
            I have given you teachers and prophets, and you have beaten them and sent them away wounded.
            The truth has fallen in the streets, while the people play drunkenly in graveyards filled with rotting corpses.
            You love to stroke yourselves with soothing words while you recline on soft beds.
            You delight yourselves on that which is nothing and then approach into my altar with unclean hands.
            If I am a father, where is my respect? If I am a master, where is my fear?
            Am I a man that you should despise my ways, and reject my instruction?
            Would you take fire into your lap and not be burned by it?
            Your houses are filled with all that I hate yet you dedicate them to me.
            You say we are wise and have the law of the Almighty with us but you trust in that which your hands have made and in that which was conceived in your own empty imaginations.
            Tell me now, you that walk in your own council, you that trust in your own knowledge and discard the knowledge of the Most High, when destruction comes who shall be able to stand without me?
            I have ordained peace but you have delighted in war.
            Therefore understand this, all that choose to take pleasure in the casting down of my afflicted, surely as you have thought in your own heart it shall be measured back to you.
            According to all that you have conceived, you shall reap the fruit thereof.
            Fear me only and begin to gain understanding.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

-Their Mighty-ones-

      Many in this age have mingled themselves among the inhabitants of the land; they give lip  service to YHUH but their works show nothing of the fruit produced by His Ruach/Spirit. Babel or its counterpart Babylon is defined as confusion by mixing or mingling. This mixing takes occurs when the knowledge of YHUH diluted with the anti-knowlodge imparted by the world or when, as it is today, His knowledge is replaced all together with the counterfeit offered in so many different forms today.
      So how is it that a people that should be leaving the friendship of this world, and the confusion of a life without YHUH behind, fight so hard to keep their place among the nations that do not know the Almighty? They seem to intoxicated by the cup found in the hand of the harlot. (YashaYAHU 51:7, Rev. 17:4 and 18:6) It is this drunkenness that distorts a proper perception of YHUH's creation and one's purpose in it. After many years now of warning those around me to sober up, without very little results, I’m unsure of what would actually have to take place in order to shake this people awake from this drunken stupor enough to see the writing on the wall.
       The scriptures are plain about our place in this world, we are in this world but not of this world. Again, we are strangers and should confess that we have no continuing country. And again, I have called you a people that were not a people.
      Those living in the U.S. should perceive that they living in a country that has clearly rejected the knowledge of the Almighty (Romans 1:28) and will not take the least bit of His correction (Hebrews 12:6,7), yet they still claim to be a part of it? The scriptures instruct us that if a city refuses to receive us that we are to shake the dust from our feet as a witness against that place. This certainly implies that one is not apart of the world system that they are living in.
      Remember Dan'Al/Daniel and his companions? Did they not sojourn in the land of Babel and answer to the king of that place? Yet they were not apart of that place, nor did they forsake the country that YHUH had promised.
      There is a lot that could be said about fleeing out of Babel but for now I would rather focus on who exactly is depicted as the mighty-ones of the United States of America.
     First however, a note from YHUH,
      Exodus 34:13-14 “Take heed to yourself, lest you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land where you go, lest it be for a snare in the midst of you: But you shall destroy their altars, break their images, and cut down their groves: For you shall worship no other mighty-one: for YHUH, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous Mighty-One:”
      Exodus 20:3-6 “You shall have no other mighty-ones before my face. You shall not make unto you any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: You shall not bow down yourself to them, nor serve them: for I YHUH your Mighty-One am a jealous Mighty-One, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And showing loving-kindness unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.”
     2 Corinthians 6:16-17 “And what agreement has the Temple of the Almighty with idols? For you are the Temple of the living Almighty; as the Almighty has said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their Alaheem, and they shall be my people. Therefore come out from among them, and be you separate, says YHUH, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and you shall be my sons and daughters, says YHUH the Almighty.”
      So as a witness it should be made clear that when they say "In god we trust", they are not speaking of YHUH but of others. The following material is information on “The Apotheosis of Washington” which is painted on the ceiling of the rotunda of the US capitol building. Pay close attention to who and what they are honoring as the inspiration of all their works.
Note: the word “apo-theos-is” means to turn one into a mighty-one or to ascend to become a mighty-one. The root of “theos” is the same word in the Greek scriptures that is translated as god.

                       The Apotheosis of Washington

The Apotheosis of Washington in the eye of the Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol was painted in the true fresco technique by Constantino Brumidi in 1865. The Apotheosis of Washington, his most ambitious work at the Capitol Building, was painted in 11 months at the end of the Civil War, soon after the new dome was completed, for $40,000. The figures, up to 15 feet tall, were painted to be intelligible from close up as well as from 180 feet below. Some of the groups and figures were inspired by classical and Renaissance images, especially by those of the Italian master Raphael. In the central group of the fresco, Brumidi depicted George Washington rising to the heavens in glory, flanked by female figures representing Liberty and Victory/Fame. A rainbow arches at his feet, and thirteen maidens symbolizing the original states flank the three central figures. (The word "apotheosis" in the title means literally the raising of a person to the rank of a god, or the glorification of a person as an ideal; George Washington was honored as a national icon in the nineteenth century.) Six groups of figures line the perimeter of the canopy; the following list begins below the central group and proceeds clockwise:

    Freedom, also known as Columbia, is directly below Washington in the personification of War. The scene depicts a woman fighting for liberty with a raised sword, a cape, and a helmet and shield (in the colors of the American flag) trampling figures representing Tyranny and Kingly Power. To Freedom's left assisting her is a fierce bald eagle (the bald eagle is the national bird of the United States) carrying arrows and a thunderbolt (reminiscent of the arrows carried by the eagle in the Great Seal of the United States).


     Minerva, the Roman goddess of crafts and wisdom, is portrayed with helmet and spear pointing to an electrical generator creating power stored in batteries next to a printing press, representing great American inventions. American scientists and inventors Benjamin Franklin, Samuel F. B. Morse, and Robert Fulton watch. In the left part of the scene a teacher demonstrates the use of dividers.



     This scene shows Neptune, the Roman sea-god, with trident and crown of seaweed riding in a shell chariot drawn by sea horses. Venus, goddess of love born from the sea, is depicted helping to lay the transatlantic telegraph cable which ran from America to the Telegraph Field in Ireland.[2] In the background is an ironclad warship with smokestacks.


     Mercury, the Roman god of commerce, with his winged petasos and sandals and a caduceus, is depicted giving a bag of gold to American Revolutionary War financier Robert Morris. To the left, men move a box on a dolly; on the right, the anchor and sailors lead into "Marine."


    Vulcan, the Roman god of fire and the forge, is depicted standing at an anvil with his foot on a cannon next to a pile of cannonballs. A steam engine is in the background. The man at the forge is thought to represent Charles Thomas, the supervisor of ironwork during the construction of the Capitol dome.


     Ceres, the Roman goddess of agriculture, is shown with a wreath of wheat and a cornucopia, symbol of plenty, while sitting on a McCormick mechanical reaper. The personification of Young America in a liberty cap holds the reins of the horses, while the goddess Flora gathers flowers in the foreground.



Friday, February 20, 2015

-Love like Aluah


Reading several scriptures about love, I realized that I hadn’t yet been able to completely walk in the kind of love that Aluah revealed to us in the scriptures and by His WORD. The problem that we seem to have with understanding Aluah’s love is that there just aren’t that many examples in the natural world that can be compared to the Aluah kind of LOVE. Most of us can understand the parts of Aluah’s LOVE that can be compared to a father’s love for a child or caring for the weak. Those things can be seen even among the wicked and un-qadash but there is a depth to Aluah’s love that most have never explored.

Kasah: to cover, conceal, hide
to be clothed

With these two small sentences in Mashly we can to begin to see a side to YHUH’s Love that most of us have not thought about; LOVE doesn’t ever want to bring unnecessary shame to anyone if it can be avoided. LOVE will not reveal sin to anyone that does not need to know about it. Sin must be reproved but love seeks to cover that sin until it and the shame that it brings is removed forever. Don’t take the statement written before the wrong way, love doesn’t hide sin, it clothes the person so the shame of the sin is not seen.

                It is interesting that one cannot attempt to cover his own sins. For the one that sins there is only one decree that they confess and forsake those sins.

Labash: to dress, wear, clothe, put on clothing, be clothed

Kasah: to cover, conceal, hide
to be clothed

When Noach became drunk, he revealed himself inside his tent. Let me be so bold as to uncover the mashal (proverb or parable) of this action. When one becomes uncovered or naked they have revealed their shame, their sins become visible for all to see. For the righteous this is a horrible state to be in.

Ham looked on his father’s shame and then went and shared his unseemly knowledge with his brothers. He did not act in love but rather ran to uncover the stumbling of a righteous man. Shem and Yafath were not willing to look upon their father’s humiliation when he was at his most vulnerable. They covered their father’s shame without ever seeing it themselves.

When Abam sinned he tried to hide his sin unsuccessfully. YHUH made for him and his wife coverings that more fully concealed their shame. Sin always will ultimately become visible, but how and to whom should the shame of iniquity be revealed? Should a person’s shame be uncovered so that the wicked can make a mock of them, and slay the righteous that is already wounded?

According to the prophets there are only two types of people, the righteous and the wicked. So how do we define which is which, is it simply because of their fleshly sins or is there more to perceive in this matter? Many of the men YHUH Alhym called righteous committed sins that seemed to be great, yet YH YHUH was their Salvation and covered their sins without a second thought. Others that made errors that to man might have seemed small but YHUH rejected them all most immediately. What was the difference, why was one counted righteous and the other wicked?

Notice that the scripture never makes the statement that the wicked turns from his way. It says if you warn the wicked and he turn not from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity. The wicked’s heart will not turn from his sin; he is in agreement with his sins. The righteous on the other hand will not come into agreement with sin. They will repent from their errors when YHUH chastises them.

We need only to look at the first two Kings of Yashr’Al to see the difference. Dud (David) quickly turned from his errors when YHUH Alhym corrected him. Dud’s heart smote him time and again when he sinned against the Ways of YHUH Alhym. Shaul continued in his sins and excused himself from hearing the voice of YHUH. It is evidently demonstrated by these two men, that the terminal error is not the fleshly sins but is the wicked's hardened heart that will not be reproved by the Almighty.

Yasaf was not willing to shame his wife to be even when he believed that she had committed one of the most horrible sins that he could have imagined against him. LOVE will never revel or take delight in another person is entangled and stumbles in sin. The scripture states that Yasaf didn’t want to make a public example of Marym because he was a “just” man, being just therefore would mean that we would never want to put anyone to an open shame because of sin. This does not mean that LOVE would ever stand by and approve of any sin no matter how small. It is sin that kills not LOVE; LOVE always seeks to deliver from the power of sin.

Now maybe we can begin to comprehend how man’s ideas have deviated from the LOVE of YHUH. Man wants to be vindicated and to feel some emotional gratification when dealing with someone else's sin. YHUH our Aluah always deals with sin based on the need for men to turn from their sins and repent. With Aluah, dealing with man’s sin is a necessity not a want. This is the revelation YHUH Ha Mashack began to show when dealing with the woman caught in adultery.

YHUH Ha Mashack deals with both the punishment of the woman’s sins and the very sin itself with one SPLENDID stroke. He simply removed her accusers and the punishment was gone; then He reproves her sin by telling her to go and sin no more. How wonderfully unsearchable are the depths of Aluah’s Loving-kindness toward us!

Up until now it has all seemed well enough; we all want our sins forgiven and so we are willing to see how we must forgive others... but here comes the other shoe so ready yourself for the next step in the YHUH kind of LOVE.

Most of us know the above scripture well and embrace the message that YHUH our Aluah conveys to us by it. And if I were to ask most of you if we should walk as Ha Mashack walked you would all agree... right? We all love the fact that Aluah is a Good and Loving FATHER willing to take us back after we have sinned.

If you seek love from our Father in Shamym, you will turn from your own sins, but will also be willing to clothe those who like you have fallen and need to be lifted up.

Your life isn’t your own... be perfect as your FATHER in Shamym is perfect.